Xtra Credit


I used 2 generic photos to create something far more interesting. The simple cloud or single tree standing near sunset is a typical desktop background, however I overlaid the cloud over the leaves of the tree and changed the Color Balance to add more of a pink, cotton candy look. I used the eraser tool around the blue clouds, with a low opacity to keep the fluffy, cotton ball- like look. To fix the background where the leaves poked out, I used the Clone Stamp tool and selected parts of the background to cover up the leaves. I think it came out pretty, and almost magical. 


  1. Wow that looks amazing! I think you could have darkened the sky to make the pink cloud pop out more. It does look magical. Great job! Now I kind of want to make my own wallpaper for my laptop.

    1. Thank you!! I think if the sky was a bit further into sunset it would have tied everything together, I should have played around with the colors more.

  2. This is a really great piece! Changing the color of the cloud to pink at first made me think it was cotton candy which I thought was really cool. You were able to successfully add weight to something that you don't typically see as having weight, while at the same time making the tree seem more weightless than trees typically do. This combination creates that magical sense that you were talking about in your statement. Really great job!

    1. Thank you! I was unintentionally creating cotton candy, but I love that it happened.


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