BW to Color

est time: 3 hours
I did a monochromatic color scheme, triad and analogous colors scheme. I like the Analogous color scheme the best because of the variations of violet and blue. I think they work really well together and suit my image the best out of the three. I like the Triad the least, once I added the pink to my hair it felt really out of place next to the yellows and light blues. I love the color scheme of the monochromatic blues, but I was a little disappointed with the way they overlaid the photo, and I think the Grayscale affected that for the most part. I had the hardest time getting the lasso tool to make selections that were smooth rather than choppy, but I figured it out and did better with the Analogous color scheme project. Overall I think after rewatching the tutorial and fixing this project, it came out a lot better than the first attempt. 



  1. I love the color palettes you used in your project! The analogous and the monochromatic versions are my favorite ones. I would suggest going back and getting a better selection of your hair to make your lines smoother. Other than that, I really love this project! Beautiful!

    1. I agree with making it smoother, the "hardness" of the brush was up too far and should have been fixed to make the lines more seamless.

  2. These were all so very good. I love how well you were able to balance the opacity of the colors. You were able to keep them all so vibrant, but keep them from coving up your image. You were able to find a great sweet spot on every different colors. I think you did a great job on your analogous color palette. I think you did a great job with your hair and your masks. They both look great. Great job

    1. Thank you! I really prefer vibrant colors so Im glad it was appreciated! I also really like the analogous color palette.


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